Polish Newspaper on the Costa Blanca (First in Spain)

There has been a lot of buzz in the region recently because of a Polish newspaper available in several Costa Blanca establishments. Polish Costa has already published the first copies of the newspapers and placed them for free viewing while in restaurants, cafes or estate offices. In support of our editorial team, the newspaper will be available to download from our web portals: www.torreviejaonline.pl and www.alicanteonline.pl. We congratulate the creators on their dedication and the realisation of their plans. We believe that any form of uniting Poles and uniting our community in Spain makes a lot of sense. We decided to ask a few questions to the owners of the newspaper.

Editor: Where did the idea of advertising newspapers on the Costa Blanca come from?

The idea for advertising newspapers on the Costa Blanca was born during a trip to Canada, where the Polish community is so large that there are two different weekly newspapers for it. Inspired by this idea, we noticed that on the Costa Blanca the British, German and Swedish communities have their own local newspapers, which are held in high regard. Given the large number of Poles who have started to arrive on the Costa Blanca, we saw an opportunity to develop this concept. The reception of the local newspapers by other communities led us to believe that a similar publication could effectively reach the growing Polish community in the area. We therefore decided to introduce advertising newspapers tailored to the needs of the Polish residents of the Costa Blanca, offering them information and advertising in their native language, which led to the creation of this innovative initiative.

Editor: Who makes the newspaper?

A couple of travel enthusiasts who decided to combine their professional experience, gained both in Poland and Spain, together with their passion.

Editor: The first issue has just come out – tell us a bit about how it was created?

The idea for the newspaper was conceived in an instant, and as it turned out, we were already holding our first issue in our hands in a moment. From 10 November, until mid-December, the idea was up and running. As we are a very close-knit and hard-working couple, who, as you can see, are also not short of luck and people’s goodwill, we very quickly acquired a sufficient number of advertisers whose orders ensured that the printing and distribution costs were covered. At this point, we would like to thank them all sincerely for the trust they have shown in us, which has enabled us to develop our idea.

It is also somewhat interesting to note that the first issue of Polska Costa is also the first Polish newspaper published in Spain. Which we confirmed by checking the publication history in the Spanish national library.

In the newspaper you will find not only advertisements for Polish companies, but also interesting regional articles, source:polska-costa.com

Editors: What kind of reception has your newspaper received?

We are delighted, as it appears our newspaper has been very warmly received by both Poles living on the Costa Blanca and Poles living in Poland and other parts of Europe. Of course, the newspaper in printed form is currently available on the Costa Blanca, but the electronic version, which is freely available, enjoys a large readership in a much wider area.

We receive a lot of warm words from both readers and Polish entrepreneurs who are willing to support our idea of providing content for Poles.

Editor: What topics do you intend to cover in the newspaper?

We want our newspaper to be useful, so we plan to include articles that will help Poles coming to Spain here to function efficiently. That is why we want there to always be a useful information section. We also want Poles in Spain to be able to enjoy its full charm, which means also the fiesta, so we want to inform about all the possible entertainment and events available in our area. There is really a wide range of possibilities and we can write about anything, including interesting places to travel, cooking tips, etc.

Editor: Will you always direct the newspaper only to Poles?

Our basic idea is to create content for Poles and this is what we want to stick to, but as we have noticed a fair amount of visits from English-speaking people to our website www.polska-costa.com an English version has been created and is already available.

Editor: If we do another interview next year – where do you plan to be with your business?

Our vision is very broad, so in a year’s time we would already like to have the whole of Spain within reach. We hope to be able to officially confirm this achievement in a future interview.

Polska Costa also offers some entertainment in the form of crosswords, crossword puzzles and Spanish lessons. Take a closer look, you will also find an advert for our portals, source: polska-costa.com

Interview Team: What advice do you have for Poles who want to live in Spain and run their own business here? And what differences have you noticed in life here between Poland and Spain?

For Poles wishing to settle in Spain and start their own business, we recommend a careful familiarisation with local regulations and business procedures. It is also worth acquiring the ability to communicate in Spanish, which will make it easier to communicate with both clients and authorities. It is also important to understand the business and social culture in order to integrate successfully into the local community. Differences between Poland and Spain include the pace of life, attitudes to work and social norms. Spaniards often value family relationships and free time, which can affect the flexibility of working hours. Be prepared to adapt to these subtle differences and be open to local customs, which will certainly contribute to life and business success in Spain.

Finally, we would just like to add that we are cheering on everyone who has a dream to try living and doing business in Spain, and we would be happy to help develop it by advertising in the pages of our magazine. In our own words, dreams do not come true, dreams do come true! You just need a little perseverance, which is what we wish for everyone.

Editor: Thank you for the interview. We wish you good luck. Anyone interested in cooperating with Polska Costa is welcome to visit polska-costa.com

Below you will find archive issues of the Spanish newspaper for Poles:

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