Weather in Torrevieja all year round

You can always check the current weather in Torrevieja on our homepage. In this article we will describe to you the average yearly weather in Torrevieja.

Summers in Torrevieja are warm, sultry and mostly cloudless, winters are long, cold, windy and partly cloudy and it is dry all year round. Throughout the year the temperature usually ranges from 6°C to 30°C and is rarely below 2°C or above 32°C.

Considering the beaches/beaches, the best time of year to visit Torrevieja to spend time in the hot climate is from late June to early September.

Weather in Torevieja,
Weather in Torevieja, month by month, source:

Temperature in Torrevieja

The hot season lasts 3 months, from 21 June to 22 September, with an average daily high temperature above 26.7°C (80°F). The hottest month of the year in Torrevieja is August, with an average high temperature of 29.4°C (85°F) and a low temperature of 22.2°C (72°F).

The cold season lasts 4 months, from 23 November to 22 March, with an average daily high temperature of less than 18.9°C (66°F). The coldest month of the year in Torrevieja is January, with an average low temperature of 6.7°C (44°F) and a high temperature of 16.1°C (61°F).

Average temperatures in Torrevieja
Average temperatures in Torrevieja, source:

The figure below shows a compact representation of the average hourly temperatures for the whole year. The horizontal axis is the day of the year, the vertical axis is the hour and the colour is the average temperature for that hour and day.

Hours when it is warm/cold in Torrevieja, source:

Cloud cover in Torrevieja

In Torrevieja, the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds experiences significant seasonal variations throughout the year.

The most cheerful part of the year in Torrevieja starts around 14 June and lasts for 2.6 months, ending around 3 September.

The clearest month of the year in Torrevieja is July, during which, on average, the sky is clear, mostly clear or partly cloudy 90% of the time.

The more cloudy part of the year starts around 3 September and lasts for 9.4 months, ending around 14 June.

The cloudyest month of the year in Torrevieja is October, during which, on average, the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy 43% of the time.

Air humidity and precipitation in Torrevieja

A wet day is one in which there is at least 0.04 inches of liquid or equivalent precipitation. The chance of wet days in Torrevieja varies throughout the year.

The rainy season lasts 8.4 months, from 12 September to 24 May, with more than an 8% chance of any given day being a wet day. The month with the highest number of wet days in Torrevieja is October, with an average of 4.5 days with at least 0.04 inches of rainfall.

The dry season lasts 3.6 months, from 24 May to 12 September. The month with the least number of wet days in Torrevieja is July, with an average of 0.7 days with at least 0.04 inches of rainfall.

Among the wet days, a distinction is made between those with rain alone, snow alone or a mixture of the two. The month with the highest number of days with rain alone in Torrevieja is October, with an average of 4.5 days. Based on this categorisation, the most common form of rainfall during the year is rain alone, with the highest probability of 16% on 17 November.

humidity in Torrevieja
Probability of higher humidity in Torrevieja

To show the variability within months, rather than just monthly totals, we show the cumulative rainfall over a sliding 31-day period centred around each day of the year. Torrevieja experiences some seasonal variability in monthly rainfall.

The rainiest period of the year lasts 8.8 months, from 3 September to 28 May, with a sliding 31-day rainfall of at least 0.5 inches. The month with the most rainfall in Torrevieja is October, with an average rainfall of 1.3 inches.

The rain-free period of the year lasts 3.2 months, from 28 May to 3 September. The month with the least rainfall in Torrevieja is July, with an average rainfall of 0.1 inches.

Rainfall in Torrevieja, source:

We determine the level of moisture comfort based on the dew point, as this determines whether sweat evaporates from the skin, thus cooling the body. A lower dew point gives the impression of being drier, while a higher dew point gives the impression of being wetter. Unlike the temperature, which usually varies considerably between night and day, the dew point changes more slowly, so although the temperature may drop at night, a steamy day is usually followed by a steamy night.

Torrevieja has extreme seasonal variations in the perceived humidity of the air.

The most steamy period of the year lasts for 4.0 months, from 8 June to 9 October, during which time the comfort level is steamy, oppressive or miserable at least 21% of the time. The month with the highest number of steamy days in Torrevieja is August, with 24.6 days that are steamy or worse.

The least steamy day of the year is 27 February, when steamy conditions are virtually unheard of.

Perceptible weather in Torrevieja, source:

Sunshine and length of days in Torrevieja

The length of the day in Torrevieja varies throughout the year. In 2022, the shortest day is 21 December, with 9 hours and 32 minutes of daylight; the longest day is 21 June, with 14 hours and 48 minutes of daylight.

Length of days in Torrevieja, source:

Water temperature in Torrevieja

Torrevieja is located near a large body of water (sea and large lake). This section shows the average water surface temperature across the area.

The average water temperature is subject to significant seasonal variations throughout the year.

The season with warmer water lasts for 2.7 months, from 6 July to 28 September, with an average temperature above 23.3°C (74°F). The month of the year with the warmest water in Torrevieja is August, with an average temperature of 25.6°C (78°F).

The season with cooler water lasts for 4.5 months, from 11 December to 27 April, with an average temperature below 16.7°C (62°F). The month of the year with the coolest water in Torrevieja is February, with an average temperature of 14.4°C (58°F).

Water temperature in Torrevieja, source:

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